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Rotten Capitalism
Original title: Capitalismo canalla
Category: Fiction

Rotten Capitalism

Original title: Capitalismo canalla
Category: Fiction

This essay offers a personal history of capitalism from the 19th Century to the present day through a reading of the 20th Century’s most important works of literature; their characters, plots and situations, so as to understand the development of savage capitalism. 

Rotten Capitalism is an unusual essay that combines canonical novels such as Robinson Crusoe and Fausto and classic authors such as Blake and Dickens with cult texts such as the dystopian novel The Space Merchants and the alternate history Times of Rice and Salt. César Rendueles also includes his own memories and experiences so that the different chapters offer a distinctive read and original vision of the development of capitalism as an almost invincible crooked character, by one of the leading thinkers of the twenty-first century. 

A personal history of capitalism via the essential works of the 20th century, by a leading contemporary thinker. 

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Suhrkamp Verlag (Germany).

Technical data

Publishing date: | 232 pages | ISBN: 978-84-322-2507-9 | Imprint: Seix Barral