Noemí Trujillo
 ©Javier Ocaña
©Javier Ocaña

Noemí Trujillo

Noemí Trujillo is a Catalan poet and writer who has published some poetry books: La Magdalena, Lejos de Valparaiso (Far from Valparaiso), La muchacha de los ojos tristes (also in the bilingual edition The Girl with Sadness in her eyes), Solo fue un post (It only was a post), Un lugar con nieve (A place with snow) and Generació Subway (Generation Subway).

Her latest collection of poems, Brooklyn Bridge, has been a finalist in the XXXIII edition of the International Poetry Prize City of Melilla. Apart from poetry and short stories, she also writes children's literature, La Judith i les nines monstruoses (Judith and the monstrous dolls). She is the editor of the imprint Playa de Ákaba and works in cultural management. She received the Miguel Hernández Theatre Prize 2015.