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The Day We Lit Up The Stars
Original title: El día que encendimos las estrellas

The Day We Lit Up The Stars

Original title: El día que encendimos las estrellas

The Fault in Our Stars by John Green meets Daisy Jones and the Six by Taylor Jenkins Reid in this delicate story about eternal bonds.

Marina has fulfilled her dream of living in Rome and working in a restaurant, but the pain of losing Noah is intense. Ten months have passed, but she misses him like it was the first day and keeps reliving the magical moments they spent together. She has no plans to return to Spain permanently, but an unexpected call makes her decide to take a few days off work to return home. She won’t be able to stay away from the band At the Edge of the Abyss; they’re at a turning point thanks to a song Noah left for them, but only the band as a whole –including Marina– can decide if they’re ready for all that fame means.

Technical data

Publishing date: | 448 pages | ISBN: 978-84-08-27218-2 | Imprint: Booket

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