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Virtual Hero
Original title: Virtual Hero
Category: Children & YA

Virtual Hero

Original title: Virtual Hero
Category: Children & YA

Small creatures of the lord. This is an epic story, full of action, with traitors, innocent characters, unexpected encounters, new friends, worlds of videogames of all kinds and, if that were not enough, love... a lot of love. And yes, also a bit of Rubelángel...

The most charismatic character on the net, the youtuber with the most followers, stars in this comic inspired by a videogame, which will lead you to explore different worlds, fight hostile creatures or overcome impossible tests.

Having become a hero of the gamer world, Elrubius invites you to accompany him in this unique experience, to time travel, save the girl of your dreams and voyage between the virtual dimension and the real world.

Rights sold

Ablaze Publishing (USA).

Technical data

Publishing date: | 64 pages | ISBN: 978-958-42-4623-3 | Imprint: Temas de hoy