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Make Your Money Grow
Original title: Haz crecer tu dinero
Category: Non-Fiction | Economics

Make Your Money Grow

Original title: Haz crecer tu dinero
Category: Non-Fiction | Economics

A new look at typical investing mistakes and the keys to strengthening your savings

Forget everything you have learned so far about investing. Daniel Lacalle begins his new book with this conclusive sentence: "The vast majority of what you have read about investment and finance is written by people who have never invested large amounts of money, or probably even any amount at all".

In Make Your Money Grow, the famous economist uses his experience as a fund manager to give us valuable financial advice, so that we can preserve our capital and create long-term wealth by mitigating losses. Lacalle has had the opportunity to work with some of the world's greatest investment geniuses. The lessons he learned with them he shares in these pages, the first of which is that the greatest investors in history are not great for always getting it right, but for taking note of their failures every day.

The investment world is full of good intentions, but there is no such thing as an infallible investor. In contrast to the false image of the investor that is sold to us, as if he were a kind of guru who gets everything right, Lacalle argues that there is no formula for success in investment, but there is a formula for failure. The veterans of investment taught Lacalle that we invest not to make money, but to guarantee our future.

In an autobiographical style and from first-hand experiences, the author shares with us what he learned from the best. This book offers us stimulating financial wisdom, and will let us be part of a story of effort, tenacity, responsibility, work and sacrifice.

Highlights Make Your Money Grow


Daniel Lacalle offers us the keys to invest our money successfully.

Technical data

Publishing date: | 272 pages | ISBN: 978-84-234-3362-9 | Imprint: Deusto