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Spanish Language Style Guide
Original title: Libro de estilo de la lengua española
Category: Non-Fiction

Spanish Language Style Guide

Original title: Libro de estilo de la lengua española
Category: Non-Fiction

A language, which is the product of those who speak it, constantly changes. In this sense, it seems appropriate to clarify concepts and explain the recent evolution of certain grammatical, spelling and lexical issues. Doing so will provide the basis for outlining certain editorial style guidelines.

Furthermore, current forms of digital writing have created new “genres” or modes of communication (text and Whatsapp messages, tweets, blogs, forums), calling for stylistic recommendations that this manual provides with writing guidelines.

On the other hand, the current importance and prominence of audiovisual media make necessary a manual of pronunciation accessible to the general public. The Spanish Language Style Guide of the RAE aims to fill this gap by setting out, with abundant examples, reading rules that conform to correct pronunciation.

Highlights Spanish Language Style Guide


For the first time the RAE and the Asociación de Academias de la Lengua Española (ASALE) offer a very detailed orthotypography that complements the rules of writing and digital style. 


In order to make it easier to consult the information in a highly practical way, a comprehensive glossary is included that includes concepts, questions of all kinds, examples, rules and recommendations.

A Spanish style manual, with special attention to digital writing that shows the evolution that certain grammatical, spelling and lexical issues have undergone in recent years.

Technical data

Publishing date: | 504 pages | ISBN: 978-84-670-5379-1 | Imprint: Espasa

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