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Plastic Detox
Original title: Plastic detox
Category: Non-Fiction

Plastic Detox

Original title: Plastic detox
Category: Non-Fiction

50 ideas to reduce plastic in your day-to-day life.

Tools, ideas, and proposals to reduce your consumption of plastic without radically changing your life.

This book isn’t for dyed-in-the-wool ecologists, militants, or extremists, and it doesn’t try to criminalize plastic. This is a book for all kinds of consumers, who are becoming more aware day after day of the terrible impact of plastic on the environment and want to do something about it. The question is: can we make changes without radically altering our lifestyle? And the answer is: absolutely. This practical book suggests alternatives to plastic for all pocketbooks.

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Garzanti (Italy), Urikyoyuk (Korea).

Technical data

Publishing date: | 192 pages | ISBN: 978-84-480-2553-3 | Imprint: Cúpula